Integration with nuxt
There is no official nuxt integration package. However, vue-query and vue-trpc can be integrated into nuxt with some simple plugins provided here. You might need to tweak the plugin to fit your application need.
A full example is available at example-nuxt directory.
See also h3 adapter for the server adapter with h3/nitro.
1. Install required packages
trpc-vue-query is designed for trpc v11. See support matrix in overview for details
npm install -S @trpc-vue-query/client @tanstack/vue-query @trpc/client@next @trpc/server@next
pnpm install -S @trpc-vue-query/client @tanstack/vue-query @trpc/client@next @trpc/server@next
yarn add @trpc-vue-query/client @tanstack/vue-query @trpc/client@next @trpc/server@next
2. Create trpc-vue-query hooks
This will provide the interface for calling trpc procedures which we will show later.
This file can be placed under utils/trpc.ts
so it is available via auto import.
import { createTRPCVue } from "@trpc-vue-query/client";
// Tweak the import to point to server router export, similar to how react integration works
import type { AppRouter } from "../server/trpc/routers";
export const trpc = createTRPCVue<AppRouter>({
// Set serverPrefetch to true for nuxt. This hint nuxt to fetch during SSR
serverPrefetch: true,
3. Create vue-query and vue-trpc plugin
// Setup vue-query. Adapted from tanstack-query docs:
import {
type DehydratedState,
type VueQueryPluginOptions,
} from "@tanstack/vue-query";
export default defineNuxtPlugin({
name: "vue-query",
setup(nuxt) {
const vueQueryState = useState<DehydratedState | null>("vue-query");
// Modify your Vue Query global settings here
const queryClient = new QueryClient({
defaultOptions: { queries: { staleTime: 5000 } },
const options: VueQueryPluginOptions = { queryClient };
nuxt.vueApp.use(VueQueryPlugin, options);
if (import.meta.server) {
nuxt.hooks.hook("app:rendered", () => {
vueQueryState.value = dehydrate(queryClient);
if (import.meta.client) {
hydrate(queryClient, vueQueryState.value);
import { TRPCUntypedClient, httpBatchLink } from "@trpc/client";
import { trpc } from "../utils/trpc";
export default defineNuxtPlugin({
name: "vue-trpc",
dependsOn: ["vue-query"],
setup(nuxt) {
// Fetch the request headers on plugin initialization. This will return
// empty object in client and should always return the same object on SSR
// (because each SSR invoke is rendering a page/route/HTTP request).
// If we were to call `useRequestHeaders` on every trpc request, it might fall
// because the call is not in a nuxt context.
const headers = useRequestHeaders();
nuxt.vueApp.use(trpc, {
client: new TRPCUntypedClient({
links: [
url: "/api/trpc",
// Simple fetch polyfill for trpc
async fetch(input, init) {
const resp = await $fetch.raw(input.toString(), init as any);
return {
json: () => Promise.resolve(resp._data),
4. Fetch data
You can then use trpc in your components to fetch data. The trpc call should be handled during SSR.
<script setup lang="ts">
const userQuery = trpc.getUser.useQuery({ id: "id_bilbo" });
const userCreator = trpc.createUser.useMutation();
<p>{{ }}</p>
<button @click="userCreator.mutate({ name: 'Frodo' })">Create Frodo</button>