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Query key

trpc-vue-query allows customization on the generated query key passed down into vue-query.

This only affects queries. Mutation and subscription have hard-coded query factory.

See also Effective React Query Keys and Leveraging the Query Function Context blog posts for how to choose a query key.

Default query key factory

The default query key factory is defined in rootHandler, which is basically passing path and input into vue-query.

Override query key factory

Provide a query key factory as queryKeyFactory when calling createTRPCVue. That should override all query key factories in the created trpc-vue-query hook.

import { createTRPCVue } from "@trpc-vue-query/client";
import type { QueryKey } from "@tanstack/query-core";

export const trpc = createTRPCVue<AppRouter>({
  queryKeyFactory(path: string, input: unknown): QueryKey {
    // ---------------- ^ Type annotations here are optional. Just showing them for documentation purpose
    return [path, input];

Note that the query key will get passed into @tanstack/vue-query instead of @tanstack/query-core directly. The input can be reactive or ref object. These input parameter must be kept reactive for reactivity and refetch to work. vue-query will watch for the value's change and trigger refetch properly.

Override query key for a query

Query key can also be override in a per-query basis, ignoring the query factory:

const userQuery = trpc.getUser.useQuery({
  id: "id_bilbo",
  queryKey: ["getUser", { id: ref("id_bilbo") }],

Invoking query key factory

The query key factory will be available on the vue-trpc root object, accepting path and input parameters.:

const key = trpc.queryKeyFactory("getUser", {});

This method can be used for building invalidation selectors in mutations.